Whether you're a weekend warrior or a seasoned touring pro, it's always a good idea to keep a few spare motorcycle parts handy. After all, you don’t want to be stranded on the side of the road or stuck at home because of your bike breaking down. Here’s a rundown of the most important spare motorcycle parts to keep in your garage or saddlebags.


Oil filters, air filters, and fuel filters – all these are crucial to keeping your bike’s engine running smoothly. If one of these isn’t in good condition, it can spell trouble for your motorcycle. That's why it's always a good idea to have at least one spare filter on hand (preferably all three, if possible). If you’re not sure which filter you need, consult your owner's manual or ask a qualified mechanic for assistance.


Tires are arguably the most important part of your motorcycle. Without good tires, you won't get very far (or very fast). That's why you should have at least one spare tire in your garage. If you're worried about being stranded somewhere, you could invest in a tire repair kit. These kits usually contain everything you need to patch up a small puncture or tear. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully before attempting any repairs.


It's definitely worth keeping a spare battery on hand. Batteries can be expensive, so if you can't afford a second one right away, consider investing in a battery tender. This will help extend the life of your existing battery by keeping it charged and ready to go!

Need help getting some parts for your bike? The motorcycle service center at Hideout Harley-Davidson® is here to help. Contact us at our dealership in Joplin, MO, today! Our friendly staff will be happy to help you get the parts you need. We welcome all those in Springfield, MO, and Rogers, AR.